
    Academic Planner

    I.Academic planner: Academic planner is an integral part of school education – it ensures quality teaching-learning in the school. Our academic planner incorporates organising our time, setting goals, and prioritising tasks to maximise productivity and achieve academic prominence. In Kendriya Vidyalaya Kalimpong, we usually follow the academic calendar sent to us by the Regional Office. Our academic calendar for the academic session 2024-25 is as under:

    1. Pedagogical Interventions: The shift in pedagogical processes as envisaged in NEP-2020 at different stages, viz., Foundational,
      Preparatory, Middle and Secondary stages needs to be continued in all the KVs. Due stress needs to be given to
      based learning, critical and creative thinking, integration of subjects, innovation and experimentation etc. Appropriate
      planning at the level of individual teacher/ HM / VP / Principal is to be done by each of the KVs.
    2.  Learning Gaps: Limitations in the reach and mode of curricular transactions in the previous two academic sessions have led to
      some learning gaps in the students. Following are suggested to address this immediate concern –

      •  Learning gaps are to be identified, class-wise.
      • Bridge courses including concepts of previous learning needs to be conducted covering learning gaps found in
        most/many students in the class.
      • Specific small-group/ individual remedial measures to be adopted for others
      • These exercises need to be continued on a periodical basis; till such time all these gaps are addressed in all
        the students of the class.
    3.  Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: NEP-2020 emphasizes the importance of growth and development of children
      in their early years. Accordingly, it exhorts the school systems to capitalize on the early learning capabilities
      of children by focusing on the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. The two focus areas in this regard are:

      • NIPUN Bharat Mission –
        1. Guidelines provided in the Mission document on the areas of pedagogy and monitoring needs to be carried
          out meticulously.
        2. Enabling environment to help the learners attain the Lakshyas / Outcomes to be created and maintained in
          all the classrooms.
      • NIPUN Bharat Logo and Lakshyas for the respective class should be displayed in all the schools;
      • Print rich and Numeracy rich environment be provided in the classrooms;
      • Age and developmentally appropriate children’s literature be made available in the Class Libraries;
      • Audio book for children with special needs like DAISY which is available in CIET website may be downloaded in School
        computers for use the students.
      • Provide for display of children’s work in the classrooms; and
      • Provide spaces for the students to carry out activities and purse their interests either in the classrooms or in
        areas of the school so that the children can do activities of their choice.
      • Assessment of abilities made at the Entry level and that of the attainment of the Lakshyas at the end of the year be
        studied for recognizing the strengths as well as the areas requiring improvement in terms of the curricular
      • Assessment of abilities commenced last year for the students of Class I shall be continued this year also.
      • This year it shall be extended to the students of Class 2 students and the rubrics for levels of competencies shall be
        circulated separately.
      • Monthly NIPUN meetings be conducted replacing the CMP meeting.
      • The KVS – NIPUN Bharat Blog available at be effectively utilized by all the
      • Vidya Pravesh – This three-month play-based School Preparation module should be implemented for the students of
        Class I. If need be, Vidyalaya / Cluster level workshops be conducted for effective implementation of the same. https:/
      • Resources like Barkha Series which is developed by NCERT may be made available in school to enrich reading capacity
        of students.
    4. Competency Based Assessment: NEP-2020 places a strong emphasis on conceptual understanding, creativity and critical thinking so
      that challenges posed by the evolving knowledge landscape can be converted into productive opportunities. Accordingly, the policy
      advocates shift in the classroom transactions towards competency-based learning and education. An integral part of such
      competency-based learning is competency-based assessment. In all the periodical tests and examinations at school level,
      competency-based questions shall be included: –

      • as per CBSE norms for Classes IX to XII; and
      • at least 30% of the question paper for Classes Ill to VIII.
    5. Teaching of Regional Language / Mother Tongue: The teaching of regional language/mother tongue is provided as an additional
      arrangement and the same may continue to be facilitated.
      However, for children in Primary classes, who may be having difficulty in following English & Hindi instruction, teachers
      who know their mother tongue may mentor them till they become comfortable with the medium of instructions.
    6. Environment Education and Adoption of Sustainable Practices: In order to create an awareness about the environment and to help them understand and appreciate how their actions affect the environment, it important to engage the students in various hands-on activities. Such activities should be preceded and followed up with meaningful discussions in the class. All the KVs may take up the following in this regard:
      • . Establish Eco clubs and explore possibilities for providing exposure to the students from the Institutions of
        repute and experts available in the neighbourhood;
      • Take up activities like gardening, tree plantation, nature walks, bird watching etc. and include these as part of the school plan; and
      • Introduce various sustainable practices like waste recycling, water and energy conservation etc.
    7. Pre-Vocational Education Programme (PVEP): NEP-2020 highlights the importance of Pre-Vocational Education Programme at the Middle stage (Classes VI to VIII), which would enable students to make informed choices while selecting their subjects in higher classes as these would provide an exposure to the variety of occupations available in the world of work. Following points be noted for inclusion in the Academic Plan of the Vidyalayas:
      • Every student will take a fun course, during Grades 6-8, that gives hands-on experience of a sampling of important
        vocational crafts, such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making, etc., as decided by States
        and local communities and as mapped by local skilling needs.
      • Provision in this regard already existing in Article 132 of Education Code of KVS and subsequent
        orders/instructions issued from time to time be followed.
      • KVs and ROs have already done an exercise of identification of courses /skills along with trainers on the basis
        of choice /local needs of students /parents<.li>
      • Further, skill modules are being offered by CBSE in middle Classes (Classes VINIINIII) and board does not charge
        any fee from the school for offering skill modules in these classes. Details are available of CBSE website (Academic
        Website- Skill Education) at
      • Interesting activities for students should be planned for bag-less days.
    8. Utilization of Resources: Now that the regular functioning of schools have commenced in the physical face – to – face mode both the physical and digital resources have to be effectively utilized.
      • Physical infrastructure including laboratories, library and facilities for games & sports need to be examined for safety and hygiene.
      • Digital resources available in the KVs and the skills honed by the teachers during online engagement of students need to be continued to supplement and enhance the learning of students.
    9. CCA: Co-curricular activities have been an essential part of transactions in KVs. A renewed focus is required in this regard as the schools have started functioning normally in the physical mode now. Detailed plan and implementation are required to provide opportunities for participation of larger number of students in these activities. Activities which instil creativity, enhance communication skills and leadership qualities should be focused on.
    10. Overall Well-being of students: Students had only limited opportunities for face – to – face interactions in the immediate past. Efforts were made to attend to the emotional and psychological needs of students in that scenario of limitations. Such efforts to address to the emotional and psychological needs of students need to be carried forward so that healthy developments of children can be supported.